Excel Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Excel Keyboard Shortcut Keys and Tips for Windows

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There are many more function keys in Excel 2007, Excel 2010 Excel 2016. But the running Basic Excel shortcuts keys which come in our daily use and save time in our daily routines are included. Some Example of shortcuts is as follow arrow keys shift space bar press ctrl alt-shift.

Many users are clueless about using Keyboard shortcuts for Excel. They’re used to performing every Function of Excel using a mouse hence do not understand the benefit of using the essential alternative of mouse. Do you know how to use Excel Shortcuts? Well, if you’re used to Mouse then you’ll be forgetful about these Excel Shortcuts at first but once you get your grip on this, you’ll flying around performing every Action in Excel with its dedicated Shortcut.

Move and scroll on a worksheet or workbook by using shortcut keys

DescriptionShortcut keys
Move one cell in a given directionArrow key
Move to the edge of the current data regionCTRL + arrow key
Move between unlocked cells on a protected worksheetTAB
Move to the beginning of the rowHOME
Move to the beginning of the worksheetCTRL + HOME
Move to the last cell on the worksheet, which is the cell at the intersection of the right-most used column and the bottom-most used row (in the lower-right corner); cell opposite the Home cell, which is typically A1CTRL + END
Move down one screenPAGE DOWN
Move up one screenPAGE UP
Move one screen to the rightALT + PAGE DOWN
Move one screen to the leftALT + PAGE UP
Move to the next sheet in the workbookCTRL + PAGE DOWN
Move to the previous sheet in the workbookCTRL + PAGE UP
Move to the next workbook or windowCTRL + F6 or
Move to the previo us workbook or windowCTRL + SHIFT + F6 or
Move to the next paneF6
Move to the previous paneSHIFT + F6
Scroll to display the active cellCTRL + BACKSPACE
In End mode, toPress
Turn End mode on or offEND
Move by one block of data within a row or columnEND, arrow key
Move to the last cell on the worksheet, which is the cell at the intersection of the right-most used column and the bottom-most used row (in the lower-right corner);  cell opposite the Home cell, which is typically A1END, HOME
Move to the last cell to the right in the current row that is not blank; unavailable if you have selected the Transition navigation keys check box on the Transition tab (Tools menu, Options command)END, ENTER
With SCROLL LOCK turned on, toPress
Move to the cell in the upper-left corner of the windowHOME
Move to the cell in the lower-right corner of the windowEND
Scroll one row up or down UP ARROW or
Scroll one column left or rightLEFT ARROW or
Tip  When you use the scrolling keys (such as PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN) with SCROLL LOCK turned off, your selection moves the distance you scroll. If you want to preserve your selection while you scroll through the worksheet, turn on SCROLL LOCK first.

Print and preview a document by using shortcut keys

Display the Print command (File menu)CTRL + P
Work in print preview
Move around the page when zoomed inArrow keys
Move by one page when zoomed outPAGE UP or PAGE DOWN
Move to the first page when zoomed outCTRL + UP ARROW or
Move to the last page when zoomed outCTRL + DOWN ARROW or CTRL + RIGHT ARROW

Work in a data form by using shortcut keys

For Use ofKeyboard Shortcut
Select a field or a command buttonALT + key, where key is the underlined letter in the field or command name
Move to the same field in the next recordDOWN ARROW
Move to the same field in the previous recordUP ARROW
Move to the next field you can edit in the recordTAB
Move to the previous field you can edit in the recordSHIFT + TAB
Move to the first field in the next recordENTER
Move to the first field in the previous recordSHIFT + ENTER
Move to the same field 10 records forwardPAGE DOWN
Move to the same field 10 records backPAGE UP
Move to the new recordCTRL + PAGE DOWN
Move to the first recordCTRL + PAGE UP
Move to the beginning or end of a fieldHOME or END
Move one character left or right within a fieldLEFT ARROW or
Extend a selection to the beginning of a fieldSHIFT + HOME
Extend a selection to the end of a fieldSHIFT + END
Select the character to the leftSHIFT + LEFT
Select the character to the rightSHIFT + RIGHT ARROW

Work with the Auto Filter feature by using shortcut keys

Display the Auto Filter list for the current columnSelect the cell that contains the column label, and then press ALT + DOWN ARROW
Close the Auto Filter list for the current columnALT + UP ARROW
Select the next item in the AutoFilter listDOWN ARROW
Select the previous item in the AutoFilter listUP ARROW
Select the first item (All) in the AutoFilter listHOME
Select the last item in the AutoFilter listEND
Filter the list by using the selected item in the AutoFilter listENTER
Work with the Pivot Table Wizard by using shortcut keys
In Step 3 of the PivotTable Wizard, toPress
Select the next or previous field button in the listUP ARROW or
Select the field button to the right or left in a multi column field button listLEFT ARROW or
Move the selected field into the Page areaALT + P
Move the selected field into the Row areaALT + R
Move the selected field into the Column areaALT + C
Move the selected field into the Data areaALT + D
Display the PivotTable Field dialog boxALT + L

Work with page fields in a Pivot Table by using shortcut keys

DescriptionShortcut key
Select the previous item in the listUP ARROW
Select the next item in the listDOWN ARROW
Select the first visible item in the listHOME
Select the last visible item in t he listEND
Display the selected itemENTER
Group and ungroup Pivot Table items by using shortcut keys
For Use ofPress
Group selected PivotTable itemsALT + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW
Ungroup selected PivotTable itemsALT + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW
Keys for menus
Show a shortcut menuSHIFT + F10
Make the menu bar activeF10 or ALT
Show the program icon menu (on the program title bar)ALT + SPACEBAR
Select the next or previous command on the menu or submenuDOWN ARROW or
UP ARROW (with the menu or submenu displayed)
Select the menu to the left or right, or, with a submenu visible, switch between the main menu and the submenuLEFT ARROW or
Select the first or last command on the menu or submenuHOME or END
Close the visible menu and submenu at the same timeALT
Close the visible menu, or, with a submenu visible, close the submenu onlyESC
Tip  You can select any menu command on the menu bar or on a visible toolbar with the keyboard. Press ALT to select the menu bar. (To then select a toolbar, press CTRL + TAB; repeat until the toolbar you want is selected.)
Press the letter that is underlined in the menu name that contains the command you want. In the menu that appears, press the letter underlined in the command name that you want.

Keys for toolbars

On a toolbar, toShortcut
Make the menu bar activeF10 or ALT
Select the next or previous toolbarCTRL + TAB or
Select the next or previous button or menu on the toolbarTAB or SHIFT +
TAB (when a toolbar is active)
Open the s elected menuENTER
Perform the action assigned to the selected buttonENTER
Enter text in the selected text boxENTER
Select an option from a drop-down list box or from a drop-down menu on a buttonArrow keys to move
through options in the list or menu; ENTER to select the option you want (when a drop-down list box is selected)

Keys for windows and dialog boxes

In a window, toKeyboard shortcut Key
Switch to the next programALT + TAB
Switch to the previous programALT + SHIFT
Show the Windows Start menuCTRL + ESC
Close the active workbook windowCTRL + W
Restore the active workbook windowCTRL + F5
Switch to the next workbook windowCTRL + F6
Switch to the previous workbook windowCTRL + SHIFT + F6
Carry out the Move command (workbook icon menu, menu bar)CTRL + F7
Carry out the Size command (workbook icon menu, menu bar)CTRL + F8
Minimize the workbook window to an icon CTRL + F9
Maximize or restore the workbook windowCTRL + F10
Select a folder in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu)ALT + 0 to select the
folder list; arrow keys to select a folder
Choose a toolbar button in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu)ALT + number
(1 is the leftmost button, 2 is the next, and so on)
Update the files visible in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu)F5
In a dialog box, toPress
Switch to the next tab in a dialog boxCTRL + TAB or
Switch to the previous tab in a dialog boxCTRL + SHIFT + TAB or
Move to the next option or option groupTAB
Move to the previous option or option groupSHIFT + TAB
Move between options in the active drop-down list box or between some options in a group of optionsArrow keys
Perform the action assigned to the active button (the button with the dotted outline), or select o r clear the active check boxSPACEBAR
Move to an option in a drop-down list boxLetter key for the
first letter in the option name you want (when a drop- down list box is selected)
Select an option, or select or clear a check boxALT + letter, where
letter is the key for
the underlined letter in the option name
Open the selected drop-down list boxALT + DOWN
Close the selected drop-down list boxESC
Perform the action assigned to the default  command button in the dialog box (the button with the bold outline ¾ often the OK button)ENTER
Cancel the command and close the dialog boxESC
In a text box, toShortcut
Move to the beginning of the entryHOME
Move to the end of the entryEND
Move one character to the left or rightLEFT ARROW or
Move one word to the left or rightCTRL + LEFT ARROW or
Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the entrySHIFT + HOME
Select from the insertion point to the end of the entrySHIFT + END
Select or unselect one character to the leftSHIFT + LEFT ARROW
Select or unselect one character to the rightSHIFT + RIGHT ARROW
Select or unselect one word to the leftCTRL + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW
Select or unselect one word to the rightCTRL + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW


Keys for using the Office Assistant

For Use ofShort Cut keys
Make the Office Assistant the active balloonALT + F6;
repeat until the balloon is active
Select a Help topic from the topics displayed by the Office AssistantALT + topic number
(where 1 is the first
topic, 2 is the second, and so on)
See more help topicsALT + DOWN ARROW
See previous help topicsALT + UP ARROW
Close an Office Assistant messageESC
Get Help from the Office AssistantF1
Display the next tipALT + N
Display the previous tipALT + B
Close tipsESC
Show or h ide the Office Assistant in a wizardTAB to select the
Office Assistant button; SPACEBAR to show or hide the Assistant
Function Keys
PressFor Use of
F1Display Help or the Office
SHIFT + F1What’s This?
ALT + F1Insert a chart sheet
ALT + SHIFT + F1Insert a new worksheet
F2Edit the active cell
SHIFT + F2Edit a cell comment
ALT + F2Save As command
ALT + SHIFT + F2Save command
F3Paste a name into a formula
SHIFT + F3Paste a function into a formula
CTRL + F3Define a name
CTRL + ALT + F3Create names by using row and column labels
F4Repeat the last action
SHIFT + F4Repeat the last Find (Find Next)
CTRL + F4Close the window
ALT + F4Exit
F5Go To
SHIFT + F5Display the Find dialog box
CTRL + F5Restore the window size
F6Move to the next pane
SHIFT + F6Move to the previous pane
CTRL + F6Move to the next workbook window
CTRL + SHIFT + F6Move to the previous workbook window
F7Spelling command
CTRL + F7Move the window
F8Extend a selection
SHIFT + F8Add to the selection
CTRL + F8Resize the window
ALT + F8Display the Macro dialog box
F9Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks
SHIFT + F9Calculate the active worksheet
CTRL + F9Minimize the workbook
F10Make the menu bar active
SHIFT + F10Display a shortcut menu
CTRL + F10Maximize or restore the
workbook window
F11Create a chart
SHIFT + F11Insert a new worksheet
CTRL + F11Insert a Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro sheet
ALT + F11Display Visual Basic Editor
F12Save As command
SHIFT + F12Save command
CTRL + F12Open command
CTRL + SHIFT + F12Print command

Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys and Tips for Windows, Mac Part -1

More Keyboard shortcuts in Excel

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